We are so grateful for all the love and support we
have received since we started this adoption process. It means the world to us
and I think you all know this but I just want to know we are amazed at the generosity
and love we have experienced so far. We are starting to feel like soon to be
parents. It’s exciting but terrifying at the same time.
This last week my kindergarten class studied Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. We studied his life and his beliefs for the world during
the Civil Rights Movement in America. They proceeded to write each of their
dreams for the world and write how the world would change if their dream came
true. Being new to teaching 5 and brand new 6 year olds I was unsure if this writing
assignment would be over their heads. We started this assignment on the carpet
with a marker and chart paper. I didn’t share my dream I wanted to hear their thoughts
and dreams without tainting their visions for a better world. Students shared
and shared and I wrote and wrote each students dream as a bullet point on the
chart paper. Then one student raised
their hand and said something so profound that it stopped me in my tracks and
left me speechless. “What if everyone just really just cared about everyone
they knew? That’s my dream Mrs. Greta. If everyone knew that Jesus cares for
them and knew that they had a friend like you then they wouldn’t be mad and
mean. The less mean and sad people then the world would be better. A lot better
with love in it. “
I swallowed because I thought about all the shootings
in our country that have occurred in the last couple of years that killed
countless of innocent people including children learning at school. Like most I
don’t know the ends and out of all the shooters but I do know they were all
unhappy people. I kept my composer and said thank you for sharing I didn’t want
to dismiss any of the other children’s dreams. But this one stopped me dead in
my tracks.
Thinking about being a parent I think about the world
that our children will grow up in. It’s crazy with a capital C! Gandhi’s quote, “Be the change you want to see
in the world,"gives me comfort. I try to live true to this in my life. It’s
difficult. It’s a struggle every day. Some days are easier than others.
But I often wonder how the world would change if…
We thought before we spoke or acted.
We apologized when we made a mistake
We learned from our mistakes instead of
beating our self up over it
We use our words instead of our fists
We did things to help others in our
communities instead of thinking of our selves only.
We said thank you when we were grateful
We looked at struggles as opportunities
We spoke honestly to our self and others
to help not hurt
cared for others and helped them recognize their potential
We worked together to solve problems instead
of profiting from them
We truly listen
We loved the person we hide from others
We become the best person we can be
We were kind and empathic
We are finishing up all the paperwork for the
adoption. Really it’s almost done. Insert smiley face here. We are reading a
lot about parenting and parenting adopted children. We are analyzing ourselves,
our marriage, and our faith and deciding what kind of parents we want to be. Like
any new parent we can prepare and prepare but we won’t know until we are
parents. Thinking about being a parent takes my favorite quote to the next
level. I could be anxious but I’m choosing to embrace all the unknowns of adoption
and live in the moment and trust that God’s got this. I hope my children will see
me as a person of faith that does not cower during hard unknown times but leans
on my faith. I really want them to see me as a faithful and loving individual
that cares for others and wants a better world for all. My dream of a better world might be unrealistic
and idealistic but it’s my dream. My
dream starts with me but hopefully doesn’t end here.
I am not a
great famous leader like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I am an ordinary “adoptive” parent to be that
sees that the world is still in need a little more FAITH and a lot more LOVE. So
Lord, our shepherd and savior help us hear and follow your voice in all we do so
that we may never go astray. Give us strength to spread your love to others because
small acts of faith can create big waves of love. Amen!