Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Weekly Update: Week 5

I am updating the blog a day late. Yesterday we rolled into our driveway from our vacation after 14 days on the road. I could write about our road trip but that's for another day. So today was back to work, laundry, grocery store etc. It’s 8:30 and to be quite honest this is my bed time. There is no new puzzle pieces funded this week. That’s okay for now because we are backed up on thank you notes. It’s a great problem to have and hope we continue having this problem. It’s so special and heartwarming to see pieces being funded by friends, family and strangers.

January 25th is our last visit/training at the Bethany office for the home study. At that meeting we will decide when Rhonda will come visit our home.  After Rhonda’s visit it will take30 days to process all the paperwork. Today we scheduled our fingerprints, updated our will and gathered some more financial paperwork. Basically we are checking things off the list one by one.

Right now I’m just tired and can’t wait until all this paperwork is all done, filed and approved. I have a sense of peace and I’m trying to enjoy my small family because it could be growing here very soon.  It’s crazy how excited I was at the beginning of the process and now I’m taking every step day by day, the paperwork by more paperwork, reading adoption book by adoption book…

…trusting it will lead us to the family we’ve always wanted. Knowing it won’t be perfect but it will be OUR family.


all I know for sure is how blessed I am to be married to a wonderful man that I can truly trust with all the emotions that go into the adoption process. I am so pleased to be going through this adoption journey with Tim. He tells me he feels the same. Hopefully he really means it. In the end we are TEAM PITCHER! ;)

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