Puzzle Piece Fundraiser

This is an example of a finished one from

How You Can Help

People always ask, “How long will it take to adopt?” The next question is always, “How much does it cost?”
Adoption Costs:

  • Adoption fees (agency) – 12,000
  • homestudy and paperwork – $4,000
Approximate Total – $16,000

Donations: Tim and I were uneasy about a fundraiser but we agreed on a puzzle fundraiser.  Since then, we have had other family members express interest in helping out. We are touched by the generosity and willingness to assist. In order to help fund the adoption we are selling puzzle piece sponsorships to a 1,000 piece puzzle. I will be updating the blog weekly so everyone can see the puzzle come together. This puzzle will be mounted and placed in our baby's nursery as a memento of our adoption. You can help by:
  • Sponsoring a puzzle piece for $10
  • Sponsor multiple pieces at $10 ea
  • Donate whatever amount you want
You can submit a sponsorship by:
  1. Click the “Pay Pal Donate” button at the top of the home page.
  2. Send a check to Tim and Greta Pitcher by emailing me gretapitcher@gmail.com for our address.

We really appreciate your support and prayers on our behalf.

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