Monday, January 27, 2014

Moving along!

We had one of our meetings Saturday. We traveled two hours there and back and we scheduled our last meeting of the home study. Everyone that adopts/fosters children has to do a home study it's the law. It's all the paperwork, training and visits at the adoption agency and then the "inspection" of your home. Once we get the home study approved and pay for it then we can apply for grants, loans etc. At the same time our photo book and online profile are shown to birth moms looking for a family for their child or children. We scheduled Rhonda to come check out our house February 27th at 6pm. Now we need to finish our online classes and keep reading. So here are some books we have read and what we are currently reading.

Well, until next week. I'm going to get back to my reading. I'm sure I'll have a longer blog post next week with all the reading I'm doing. So get ready.
Tim and Greta

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