Our adoption timeline

Our Adoption Timeline:
September 2013: Tim and I knew we wanted to pursue domestic infant adoption. We researched different agencies and lawyers.
October 2013: Tim and I selected Bethany Christian Services. We submitted initial application.
November 2013: Submitted formal application and had initial meeting with our social worker. Started an adoption fund.
December 2013: Decided to start a blog about our adoption journey and begin a puzzle fundraiser. First real meeting with Rhonda  Sinquefield, our adoption specialist  to officially start paperwork. First meeting of the home study is December 14. We have one more meeting at the office after Saturday and then Rhonda comes to our house to see if its safe and adequate to raise a child in. The home study has to be done before we can apply for grants and adoption loans and it costs about $4,000 to complete.

January 2014: Met with Rhonda and received some training and turned in all paperwork and we talked with her individually.

February 27th: Rhonda comes to our house to "inspect" it and see if it's a safe and adequate environment to raise a child in.
March 5th 2014: Home study papers are being processed. We are working on photo book to show birth familes and looking for grants to fund our adoption.

April 24th 2014: HOME STUDY APPROVED!!!!!!

April 24th 2015: HOME STUDY UPDATED in TN.

May 7th 2015: Match with an AA baby girl. Bithmother changed her mind.

July 4th 2015: Moved to MO

December 2015: HOME STUDY updated in MO

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