Sunday, April 13, 2014

Birth parent letter

I took a week off because we were writing the birth parent letter and making the book that will be shown to birth parents. It was difficult to pick the right pictures and the right words to express who we are on paper. See when our home study is complete we can adopt legally! Now Bethany will show our book to birth parents. But the Birth parent(s) will select us. It could take from 2 months to 2 years so lets pray for a quick selection process. In this blog post I wanted to share our letter.

Click this link to see birthletter

Now we wait for Rhonda to proof the letter and photo book and then we will send them both to press! After we hear that the home study is approved we pay our $2500.00 remaining balance for the home study and we are off on the roller coaster of waiting. While we wait we hope to receive some grant money;because we still have 11,000 dollars more to pay for this adoption. The money part is just the reality of private adoption. But we have faith that will not be our biggest concern

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