Monday, January 5, 2015

2014 is a wrap-onto 2015!

We had a great "winter" break! We visited with so many people dear to us. We celebrated and ate wonderful food. We are really getting good at savoring those moments. Maybe it comes with age. LOL!

We are tired but glad to be back to a schedule (well, kind of). We have many things we want to achieve in 2015 and one of them is parenthood.  We are waiting for the stars to align…

It’s hard waiting.

 I’m not good at waiting because I think I could always be doing something to make the situation better or move quicker. I’m always asking is there anything else I can be doing!? There is always something of course.  Poor Rhonda our adoption specialist, I’m checking in every month with her to hear about any changes or asking her questions. In 2014 I joined an adoption forum.  It’s been so good to hear other stories and I’m getting great advice on any questions and situations I’m wondering about. One piece of advice I received was to write a letter to all the doctor’s offices in the area so they are aware of a couple looking to adopt.  Never know. We were going to start Foster to Adopt classes this month but our schedule does not allow it. Well, Tim's doesn't. Maybe next month.  If you know of any adoption opportunities please think of the Pitchers (! 

Other than that we are staying busy!  First Monday of 2015 wasn't half bad. :)


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