Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Everyone wants to know what step we are on in the adoption process. We are in the waiting to be selected part of an adoption.  I found this pin on Pinterest and thought perfection! A couple of posts ago I let everything go to the Lord. You can’t force this process and at that time I was finally ready to release control of every little detail of the adoption process because you see we have done everything we could. So I am ready to watch God work His ways and I've invited God to work in my heart. Now we trust God to fulfill His plans. As we wait we are allowing God to do “His thing” through us.

So what have we been up to?


First, football is up and running full speed! Tim is busy and so is every football coach and player in America.

Second, school is starting so we both are getting ready for the new school year and attending many back to school meetings. I’m excited to start a new school year and meet all my new kindergartners.

Third, Tim and I have started a couple community infertility support group that will meet once a month.

Fourth, I’m a part committee at church that is doing some great things to reach out to the community within and outside our doors.  Oh I’m also teaching Wednesday ACTS evening children’s church for the 3rd-5th grade kiddos this year.

Last, enjoying all the blessings we have received like each other and our furry four legged friend, Louie. Happy birthday to both today!!

As you can see we are not doing anything. We continue to save every penny (literally we have a jar) and fill out grant applications and hope to be awarded some grant money to pay for the remaining cost of the adoption.  We have been so blessed with the donations from our friends and family so far. 

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