Monday, March 10, 2014

Sunshine and Warmth

Things are looking up in the Pitcher household. Maybe it’s the warm weather or that there is no more ice on the ground, I am not sure.  I think we are all READY for SPRING!!! With this anticipation comes a burst of energy and a need to re-energize.

On the adoption front:

This last week on our ‘ice vacation’ I researched and found 9 grants we will be applying for to fund the rest of our adoption. It’s a relief now that we are organized and know which ones we are going to shoot for. There are no guarantees in this process as for everything in LIFE.  It’s kind of like applying for scholarships for college. There are tons of adoption grants out there but each grant is looking for different criteria, of course. Each one has different guidelines and procedures, award amounts and dues dates. Good news; these applications are lengthy but they are not as intense as the home study process- thank the Lord! But we have to wait to send off applications until we get the letter that says that our home study has been approved. So we wait.

 Let’s Do This!

While we wait we are challenging ourselves. We want to be around for our future kids. Though some might call us “old”, we sure don’t feel like it. So we started a 90 days challenge. Coach Pitcher said, “If you can do anything for 90 days it will become a habit! “ We are on day six so we will see. 

Here’s the picture and guidelines.

My guidelines are little more refined I am choosing to eat for my hormones from the book Woman Code by Alisa Vitti.  Basically we eat clean and exercise.  Through this process we are learning healthy alternatives to foods we crave.   It’s kind of fun to think outside the box and try different food. I have not found an alternative for a warm right out of the oven brownie or chocolate chip cookie, YET.   If you want to join just let us know. Support is key. 

The Lamp Unto My Feet:

 On the spiritual side of things we are getting more involved in our church. I am now the chair of the nurture committee and Tim is the co-chair.  The responsibilities of this committee are to meet the physical and emotional needs of our church (and community) through ministries. We are still figuring out this role being it’s still new to us but are excited to get more involved and use our gifts.

I am in the process of acting on what my heart has called on me to do.  And it kind of scares me. When we were going through infertility, we desperately wanted to talk with someone else/other couples who understood what we were going through in a small group setting. Moving to a small community there wasn’t any in my area. So starting an infertility support group has been weighing on my heart for some time.  Thankfully my pastor Lea encouraged my little idea.  I am now in the process of finding a book to be in the center of this small group. Does anyone know of one that they would recommend? I am open for suggestions.

So things are ‘growing’ in the right direction here at the Pitcher household for now.  We continue to keep the faith that our family will grow here soon. Some days are a struggle while others are filled with hope. But we try to take care of each other as much as we can. As we walk through this adoption wilderness I pray I can resist the temptation of you know who telling me it won’t happen. GO AWAY!

2 Corinthians 1:24 NIV is by faith you stand firm. Keep those prayers and good thoughts coming we feel them! Thank you!!

Enjoy your week!
Tim and Greta



1 comment:

  1. I love this song :). And we are praying for you in this adoption process! You'll make great parents :)
