Monday, March 31, 2014

REwriting my story

My minister Lea has started a women’s group and the study is centered around the book Namesake by Pastor Jessica LaGrone. It’s a weekly study about when God rewrites your story.  Oddly enough God is rewriting my story as I type. How is He rewriting yours? The author also struggled with infertility so when she relates scripture to her struggles I really zone in. I love how she relates her story to scripture and is not ashamed to tell her stories of struggles and discontentment. She realizes her story is God’s story.

She talks about using the phrase “I’ll be happy when…” Mine was I’ll feel better when I’m a mom. Well after years of that not coming true I realized I better start feeling good now. Or else I’d be one unhappy camper! I talked about me choosing the Voice of Truth over Bitterness in a past post. Jessica states, “Those answered prayers are too often followed by another prayer request. This is proof that having contentment doesn’t lie in having our every whim fulfilled.” I mean I want all this adoption stuff to go fast. I mean I’ve been waiting long enough to be a parent, right? God? God? That little question I was asking God was wrong. You see God has a life he planned for me to live. There were times I was so focused on the blessings of others that ignored my own sometimes.

This journey has made me work on my trust in Him. Sometimes I think I've got it all planned out. But then when I'm disappointed I'm reminded that its on in His time and that He is transforming me and all involved for the moment that's just right. I can't even fathom  what's in store. I'm sure it will be better than I can imagine. In the meantime  I stay busy. I am improving my relationships, getting involved in my church, getting my fitness on, enjoying my work and writing every week about our journey. All of it is slowly changing my perspective.  I love how Jessica writes, “Knowing the love of our Heavenly Father means knowing there will always be more than enough to go around.”

SO as I wait I try to breathe and take in the beauty of this journey. Truth is it will be an amazing story worth sharing again and again because it will be His.

 Check out how to order her book for yourself or for a book study contact her @

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