Monday, February 24, 2014

My Dream

We have watched all the adoption videos and I printed certificates off! Whoohooo!

We are moving right along...

Thursday is the night Rhonda comes to evaluate our home. If you don't know who Rhonda is, she's our assigned adoption specialist through Bethany. We just finished all the classes and all the paperwork so it’s no surprise I dream about it. Last night I dreamt I was reading a book to my daughter in the rocking chair in her room. Now this room is our current office but in my dream it was transformed to a Pinterest post I recently pinned. She quietly stopped and pointed to the framed puzzle on the wall above our heads and asked, “Mommy tell me again about the puzzle pieces." I don't remember what I said but I remember what her sweet voice sounded like as she sincerely asked such a simple request. In the dream I see her small chubby hand pointing at the completed framed puzzle and I quickly remember what my life was like before she became reality. Then a chill traced through my body, like I was asking my subconscious if this was real or not. Automatically my heart over filled with joy and love and immediately warmed my whole being. As her curious eyes trace over the names I remember thinking, “I wonder if all these people know how precious this puzzle is?” There was so much love in that frame. My dream ended with me telling a story about someone on a puzzle piece. Might have been about Louie Dog, who knows?

Then I heard  this: “Buzz!”

I said this: “Ugh, it’s morning already?”

When you give to this puzzle you help fund the adoption but most importantly you will be part of this child’s adoption journey. It is so much more than money it’s a part of her journey into our family. It’s our job to make sure she understands her story and this puzzle along with other things will help us tell it. So thanks for being a part of it.

To tell you the truth this adoption is just like this giant 1000 piece puzzle. We are are figuring out how the pieces fit together one piece at a time.


1 comment:

  1. Such a peaceful and beautiful dream. I am on edge to meet this wonderful blessing and bundle of joy.
