Monday, February 17, 2014

Be Glad and Rejoice but I don't WANNA!

This weekend I was invited to a wonderful women’s retreat that my friend Tracey talked me into. I received this jar full of journal entries. It’s called a journal in a jar. It’s very clever!! So today I picked a topic. Here it is: How will I rejoice and be glad in this day that God has made?
To be honest I’m tired.  It doesn’t help I’m getting over a ghastly sinus infection. Tim had the privilege of sleeping in and I had to work. In his defense he did get home around 2am after driving all night from a coaching clinic in Charlotte, NC.  Its 4:27pm and I am feeding the dog, figuring our dinner and coloring my hair (7 minutes to go!) and writing this blog while Tim is napping.  Now remember I just got back from a busy day in a kindergarten class. I’m exhausted! I really don’t want to rejoice I just want a NAP! I think a lot of women feel like this especially if they have more responsibilities than I do.  I’m anxious because we still need to get our 3 online adoption classes done (2hours each plus a short test) and do some small projects around the house for the last part of the home study  here at our house in TWO WEEKS, February 28th at 6pm to be exact!! I’m trying to stay calm but I have a headache. Maybe its from all my whining. LOL!  Truthfully once I wrote my entry my worries didn't seem so overwhelming.

So back to the question at hand,  what can I rejoice and be glad in?

I am glad that tomorrow is a new day.

I am glad the adoption paperwork that has taken on a mind of its own is almost done.

I am glad we both found a church we can grow our faith in.

I am excited to see what God has in store for Tim and I.

I am grateful for the opportunities that moving to Tennessee have opened up.

I rejoice that my faith has grown with the trials of this LIFE.

<I wonder what my divine purpose is?>

.still trying to figure that out.
Finally, we are grateful for all the support we have received so far!

Hope you find a little peace in your night.

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