Monday, December 9, 2013

8 puzzle pieces gone 992 more to go!

Thank you Beth Lamken, Sherry and Buddy, Natalie and Karl, Tracey  and Hadley for donating!!!!
We are off to a slow start this first week.  If you are unsure about the puzzle piece fundraiser just click on the page labeled “puzzle piece fundraiser” and I update our “adoption timeline” every week to keep you up to date on what’s going on. Also if you are curious to see how we made the decision to adopt click on “our journey”.  Your help means the world to us. Really it does!  Sounds corny but my heart smiles and skips a beat when some tells me they are willing to help out.  This is our dream.

We are staying focused on all the paperwork. And let me tell you there is a lot! Good thing we had two days off from the ice (the perks of two teachers).   Tim and I have sat down to get some paperwork knocked out. There are so many questions to ponder and answer. So many books to read and online training it gets overwhelming.  So to combat the long to- do list we do a little at a time. Rhonda J. Sinquefield our adoption specialist is great about giving us tips to get stuff done and staying focused.

Our next adoption meeting with Rhonda is on our anniversary this Saturday, December 14, 2013. For those that know us personally, can you believe it will be our sixth year anniversary!?  Can time slow down a bit!? Rhonda will talk to one of us while one of us watches an hour and half of training videos. Rhonda told us she really tries to get know us very well in a short amount of time so she can try to make the correct placement. We have a list of all the questions she will ask us so it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. Though, I’m always a little nervous. I just have faith that it will lead us to our precious gift one day soon. *deep breath*


Until next Monday….


Tim and Greta

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