Monday, October 6, 2014

Trusting Him

My Reverend’s sermon was on Ezekiel 37:1-14 this Sunday. It is a story of a great prophet, Ezekiel who lived thousands of years ago. Some of the stories about Ezekiel are very bizarre you could say.
Let's use our imaginations. We have to picture a very strange scene and it might help us if we think of the movie The Lion King. Have you seen that movie? Think of the scary scene where Simba, the young lion, is lost in a scary place. He finds himself surrounded by lots of animal bones. Do you have that picture in your mind now? If not here’s a picture:

Now instead of Simba walking around among all these bones, picture a man from the Bible. That's our prophet Ezekiel. In the Bible, Ezekiel finds himself in a desert valley surrounded by dry bones. How did he get there? Well, he didn't just get up one morning and think "I know, I'll go looking for a place that is full of bones!" No, according to the Bible, Ezekiel is sort of teleported into this barren valley full of bones. He just finds himself there. He must feel lonely and scared. It is just him and the bones. But don’t forget about God, he's there.

God asks Ezekiel a question. He says, "Ezekiel, can these old dry bones live?" Ezekiel doesn't know how to answer this question. After all, he's talking to God. So Ezekiel answers very cleverly, "God, You know the answer?"

He's right! God does know the answer and God tells Ezekiel that he will make these old dry bones live again. He will add muscle and skin to them and breathe life into them and what appears to be dead will walk the earth again. And they will be God's people. Just as water brings the parched earth to life, God's Word and living water of His Spirit will bring dry souls new life. Isaiah 44:3 says, "For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring." There’s song that comes to my mind while I write this. Carrie Underwood’s new song  Something in the Water! Listen to it. You’ll like it. It’s about God’s power to change His people for the better when you trust in something bigger than yourself, HIM.

As I go to this adoption process I feel like a pile of dry bones sometimes going through the motions. I think it will never happen.  I can’t even expect a miracle because my faith is so dry.  But a kind word, an inspiring story, encouragement from Tim, a friend or a stranger will breathe hope into my bones.
You expect the adoption process to go fast when you are not going through it. There’s a ton of kids to adopt, right? But until you live it or lived close to a friend or family member going through it you just don’t know. You have paperwork out of your ears. You wait..and wait…and pray to God for strength to keep going. Oddly enough I pray for faith. He gives me more practice in faithfulness.

Whatever I ask for, that is what I always get from the good Lord.  He keeps asking me are you ready? But I’m still waiting for that baby. I understand He’ll provide this baby we are hoping for in His time. God knows everything! He doesn't ask us questions because He's been stumped; He asks in order to get us to think. Just like the ancient philosopher Socrates used to teach by asking questions, so too God asks people questions in order to arouse their thought processes and to get them to analyze the situation. He’s always asking, “Now, Greta what are you going to do now? Do you think that is wise? Why are you doing this? Now why do you think you feel this way?” Our finished adoption story is going to be a wonderful story full of questions answered and unanswered,  I’m sure. Remember God uses His people to tell His story and share His word. He sure is using me. If you are struggling with something I’m sure you are not alone. Tell your story.

This story from Ezekiel is a reminder for me that with God all things are possible! I am trying to take moments to just live in the moment and look at the beauty in this life full of tiny miracles. See, even if we are not holding a baby right now miracles are happening in our lives.  Here are a few little miracles:
1)      We have fundraised almost our whole adoption home study fee!! Thank you!!
2)      Our friends and family are always telling us about adoption opportunities they hear about through friends or coworkers. In the last six moments we have heard about two babies that were put up for adoption. None of them worked out but we love that we have ears out there that are networking for us. Keep those ears open.
3)      We are both strengthening our relationship with God in one way or another.
4)      Our relationship continues to grow with each other in a positive way. We both take turns building each other up when one of us is down. We appreciate each other more than ever before and understand how lucky we are to have each other. It’s been a lot of hard work but a blessing.
5)      We have awesome family and friends that love us and are ready to love this child or children as soon as they are Pitchers.
6)      I’m a changed woman. My heart is more open than it’s ever been and I’m stronger in all areas of my life. God is leading down paths that I could never imagine. I appreciate more. My smile is brighter on most days. Must be something in the Tennessee water!

I will never have everything I want, but with God I have everything that I need. 

I need to remember to...

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5