Monday, December 7, 2015

Puzzle is fully FUNDED!!!!

Thanks to Noonday we have fully funded our home study update of $500.00!!! If you want to order anything contact . Click on Noonday link to shop. You have until Dec. 15th. Ten percent of sales will go to our adoption fund. They make great gifts!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Whirl wind...

We have moved  to another state and we have new jobs, well everything is new!  It has been a whirl wind but its Christmas and we are feeling settled. Finally!!!!! We just updated our home study this week. In adoption when you change anything major you have to update your home study. That means we are ready to take on parenthood! So here we are. Closer to family and ready for our family to grow. Waiting is the hardest part but there is a peace inside of Tim and I. It's been two years waiting and we have been close to bringing a baby home once but I guess it wasn't our time yet. We truly believe that God has written this story. Its been difficult at times but the love and support we have experienced from our family and friends has been so wonderful. We are excited to see what's in store for our family. I know God will lead us to the perfect match.  I watched this video today and I could relate with so much of what this couple was saying that tears were rolling down my cheeks. What a wonderful story! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

787 puzzle pieces funded 213 more to go!

Thank you Nancy Davis! 

From a child's perspective

I want to portray adoption from all sides. This is a short film is from a kids perspective. The acting is very cheesy but it's a good true story. Enjoy.


His Hand Leads Me

If the Lord delights in a man's way, He makes his steps firm; through he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand. Psalm 37: 23-24

There are a lot of unknowns in our life. So many moving variables that sometimes in my human moments I worry and fear. Infertility and adoption has really made me build my intimacy with the Lord. Thank goodness because I always need him. There is no friend in this world that that can bear my fears more than Him. Tim and I are going out on a limb with Him. He promises us that this is the safest place to be. So as we edge out on the limb and continue on this adventure I keep my eyes on Him as we step out in faith. I can say that while gripping His hand to steady myself and as I look toward the horizon and I'm enjoying the view from this new perspective of new possibilities. In this new environment we are alert and I communicate with you more regularly than before. I am not ashamed because this is my journey back to you. I know my strengthening relationship with you gives you pleasure and your hand is there supporting me. Overly familiar surroundings many feel more secure but I know I have been self reliant and have forgotten about you. Please don't let me forget that wherever you lead that You are the shelter and Your presence will keep us safe. You have a plan.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Monday, January 12, 2015