Thursday, July 31, 2014

Foster Care Adoption: Alex's story

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

351 puzzle pieces funded 649 pieces to go!

FYI, if you can't get the PayPal link to work on the blog just go to PayPal and click on send money and put my email address, amount and click on continue. Easy as pie!


Everyone wants to know what step we are on in the adoption process. We are in the waiting to be selected part of an adoption.  I found this pin on Pinterest and thought perfection! A couple of posts ago I let everything go to the Lord. You can’t force this process and at that time I was finally ready to release control of every little detail of the adoption process because you see we have done everything we could. So I am ready to watch God work His ways and I've invited God to work in my heart. Now we trust God to fulfill His plans. As we wait we are allowing God to do “His thing” through us.

So what have we been up to?


First, football is up and running full speed! Tim is busy and so is every football coach and player in America.

Second, school is starting so we both are getting ready for the new school year and attending many back to school meetings. I’m excited to start a new school year and meet all my new kindergartners.

Third, Tim and I have started a couple community infertility support group that will meet once a month.

Fourth, I’m a part committee at church that is doing some great things to reach out to the community within and outside our doors.  Oh I’m also teaching Wednesday ACTS evening children’s church for the 3rd-5th grade kiddos this year.

Last, enjoying all the blessings we have received like each other and our furry four legged friend, Louie. Happy birthday to both today!!

As you can see we are not doing anything. We continue to save every penny (literally we have a jar) and fill out grant applications and hope to be awarded some grant money to pay for the remaining cost of the adoption.  We have been so blessed with the donations from our friends and family so far. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

351 puzzle pieces funded 649 pieces to go!

Thank you Kayla Vickers, Tom and Liz Pitcher family, Chanda Peal!!!  

from the bottom of my heart!

What's Up?

I can’t believe it’s been a month since my surgery! My last post was about letting go and letting God. This is  just what I did. I guess time flies when you are having fun enjoying life and feeling better. Here’s a summary of what’s been going on.

My surgery ended up taking 6 hours! I knew and the doctors knew I had severe Endometriosis, so seeing all the organs in my pelvic region wrapped in a gigantic ball of  Endometriosis wasn't a revelation.   My doctor removed all the Endo or disease and restored my anatomy. I mean literally put things back where they were supposed to be.  I was pretty out of it afterwards but I only stayed the night. My dad and sister came up to be part of my support system. They were awesome. Of course Tim was a wonderful care taker by coaching me back to health. I was completely down for a week but went home to Tennessee the weekend after. My in-laws were so gracious in letting me recover at their home but there is nothing like being in your own bed!  
At my 2 week follow up I was impressed at how well my incisions had healed. I had a little bruising but only 4 1 inch to 2 inch scares. It’s pretty amazing what modern medicine can do now. I feel wonderful!

So after celebrating the 4th in St. Louis and seeing Bonnie Raitt, I decided to travel to see my brother’s family in the Tulsa area. The Tousley’s were also so gracious to let me stay in their guest cabin and enjoy their company. What a wonderful visit!

On the way home I stopped in Springfield, MO to visit my worldly friend, Jen visiting “home” after teaching in Dubai. It’s always fun catching up with an old friend.

Now I’m home experiencing some high quality training to learn more strategies to meet all my learners needs this coming year. Can you believe school is just around the corner? In about a week Tim and I are going floating. This will be our last summer escape before school…Place TBA. J 

Many people are asking me where we are in the adoption process.  We are still waiting to be selected by a birth mother/birth family. I know our profile book has been shown but no bites at this time. I’m sure the Lord knows what He’s doing.  I’ m just trusting Him. What an abundant life I lead!